( 饮料品牌 )
- 品牌名称:
- 七喜 7-Up
- 创始人:
- 查尔斯格利戈
- 成立时间:
- 1929年
七喜易拉罐七喜由Howdy Corporation的创始人查尔斯格利戈创造。它在这之前的产品叫作Howdy橙味汽水。经过2年多时间对不同配方的尝试。查尔斯希望这一新的配方可以给消费者带来不同的感受。他在1929年金融危机2周之前开始生产其产品。查尔斯从未解释产品为什么叫作7up。最普遍的说法是7和u说明七喜包含7种调料并且进行过碳酸化。
1、Wake up: Decide to have a good day This is the day the lord hath made; let‘s rejoice and be glad in it.
2、Dress up:The best way to dress up is to put on a smile. A smile is an expensive way to improve your looks. The lord doesn‘t look at the things man looks at. Man looks at outward appearance. but the lord looks at the heart
3、Shut up:Say nice thing and learn to listen. God gave us two ears and one mouth so he must have meant for us to do twice as much listening as talking.
4、Stand up:For what you believe in. stand for something or you will fall for anything. Let‘s not be weary in doing good; for at the proper time. We will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore as we have opportunity. Let‘s do good
5、Look up:to the lord I can do everything through christ who strengthens me.
6、Reach up:for something higher. trust in the lord with all you and lean not unto your own. In all your ways acknowledge will direct your path.
7、Lift up:your prayers. Don‘t worry about anything pray about everything.
无糖七喜-1970年开始生产。80年代用阿斯巴甜代替糖精作为甜味剂。 樱桃味七喜-1987年生产。 七喜冰可乐-百事公司1995年销售在国际市场,产品销路不畅并迅速消失。 冰镇七喜 - 在欧洲夏季生产。 蓝莓七喜-1991年夏天在文莱和加拿大销售。 轻仪七喜 -百事产的无糖七喜。
黄金七喜-1988年用于短暂的商业调查测试。 七喜橙味 - 百事销售于美国境外。 飞溅七喜 热带飞溅七喜 薄荷七喜-2002年-2003年,沙特阿拉伯。后停产。 七喜+ - 富含多种营养成分,在美国市场取得了不俗的销售成绩。 七喜H2Oh! - 在阿根廷从2005年开始生产的低碳酸化饮料。dnL-dnL是七喜7up的倒像,绿色的含咖啡因饮料。